Jeff Lyons

Jeff Lyons Artist Copyright Information

Questions? contact:

• Painted reproductions of my artwork for personal use is allowed. Happy painting!

• Painted reproductions of my artwork for commercial use is NOT allowed without my consent. If you intend to use my online or offline art images for profit or commercial uses such as printed or painted art reproductions, product branding, labels or logos, you may only do so with my permission. EMAIL ME FIRST. Artist royalties and a contract may apply. I do license my images out for commercial purposes. Feel free to email me if you have an exciting business offer or request.

• I hold the copyrights to all of my original artwork seen online or offline, commissions or non-commissions.

• Personal, non-profit digital use of my online .jpg images IS allowed. If you post them online I ask that you provide a link back to my website, or a “copyright Jeff Lyons” or “” on the images. Hey, and I’d be happy to link back to you as well.

• Anyone who prints out my online art images on their home printer for personal non-profit uses is welcome to do so. Just remember where you got them! LYONSARTWORK.COM. Bookmark my website in case you need to return.