Jeff Lyons

Female Portrait Oil Paintings

Also known as the 'girlfriends' series. Artwork produced 2003 - present. The women portrayed in this pop portrait art series are fictional. This portfolio was updated March 2024.

A contemporary cubist art style woman oil painting. Artwork by Jeff Lyons

Paloma 7 

30"x24" oil painting: SOLD
Artsy oil painting of a woman's face by artist Jeff Lyons


30"x36" oil painting: $800.00
Contemporary Pop Art. Female portraits by Canada artist Jeff Lyons


20"x24" oil painting: SOLD
Cute, attractive woman oil painting


30"x36" oil painting: SOLD
Painted illustration of a brunette woman


20"x24" oil painting: $450.00
Original, contemporary female portrait oil painting


20"x24" oil painting: SOLD
Oil painting of an anime inspired woman


20"x24" oil painting: SOLD
Fun female pop portrait art oil painting by Jeff Lyons


20"x24" oil painting: SOLD
Fun, cute art illustrations of women


20"x24" oil painting: SOLD
Fun, joyful, artistic pop portrait painting of a beautiful woman


20"x24" oil painting: SOLD
Charming art painting of a cute girl with her wavy hair


20"x24" oil painting: SOLD
An original pop abstract art illustration painting of a woman face

Paloma 6

29"x29" oil painting: SOLD
Stylish art portraits of women, fictional or fantasy women by Jeff Lyons artist


20"x24" oil painting: SOLD
Attractive female face pop portrait, purple hair


20"x24" oil painting: SOLD
Amadeo Modigliani art style goth girl painting by Jeff Lyons


20"x24" oil painting: SOLD
Playful illustration painting of a girl by Jeff Lyons. Contemporary Pop Art.


20"x24" oil painting: SOLD

Jeff Lyons is a digital artist, oil painter currently residing in Calgary, Canada. He's been producing this series of charming, illustrative female pop portrait art oil paintings and digital artworks since 2002. These portraits are part of Jeff's 'girlfriends' series. Most of the women Jeff has oil painted are fictional. Jeff loves to paint cute, joyful art that attracts the viewer and evokes a smile. He is currently producing new female portraits to add to his art collection. He has produced some digital versions of his paintings, but with the emergence of AI produced art, Jeff decided to stick with oil paints and cancel future digital work. Bookmark this website for updates.

Artwork © Jeff Lyons.

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